Are you a "crafty" person?

Our members try all sorts of crafts: Blackwork, Card making, Christmas Decorations, Crochet, Cross Stitch, Embroidery of various kinds, Fimo pastework, Macrame, Paper craft, Quilling, Sewing and mending, Tapestry as well as knitting.

We sometimes do our own work and sometimes produce items for charity e.g. for the Shoebox Appeal, the Fish & chip babies or Age UK bottle-tops.

Everyone is welcome, whether you have never done anything like this before, and wish to learn, or you are an expert, keen to share your knowledge and experience with others.

None of us can come every week, but come when we can, to enjoy a time of friendship whilst crafting. It is a great chance to make new friends and see what other people have made, to find some new patterns and ideas.

We meet each Wednesday afternoon  from 2:00 – 4:00pm in the Newell Room at the Village Hall.

It costs £1 per session to cover heating, lighting and refreshments.    Don't be shy about coming along – we are a friendly group where you'll find a warm welcome.

So come and join us, meet new people and enjoy some refreshments!

For further information [or someone to go with] please contact  

Margaret Wright: 01993-881-316  

or  Helen Molden tel: 01993-882-305  

Margaret Wright


